Fine Beautiful Info About How To Start A Fire With Chocolate And Can

How to Make Fire With Chocolate and Can 4 Steps (with Pictures
How To Make Fire With Chocolate And Can 4 Steps (with Pictures
Here’s How You Can Make Fire Using Soda Can And Chocolate

Here’s How You Can Make Fire Using Soda And Chocolate

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Here’s How You Can Make Fire Using Soda Can And Chocolate
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Catching Fire & Chocolate! What!? I need some for the movie

This is a quick tutorial on how to start a.

How to start a fire with chocolate and a can. How to start a fire using a pop can and chocolate. How to start a fire with an aluminum can & a chocolate bar. You can watch the full video below.

I should probably offer a disclaimer here because my first reaction was,. The chocolate acts as a polish and will make the bottom of the can shine like. With your cozy fireplace lit, it’s time to pick out a good book, make some hot chocolate, sink down into your leather man chair, and bask in the glow of the.

The goal is to make the concave part of the can really shiny. Learn how to make fire with a bar of chocolate and a can of coke. You’ll also need some tinder, direct sunlight, and something to polish the bottom of the can (such as chocolate or toothpaste).

The short of it, chocolate is an abrasive, polishes convex bottom of can. Rub chocolate on the bottom of the can. Wipe the chocolate off with a towel, cloth, or paper, rubbing and polishing as you wipe.

The can acts a reflector, put tinder at focal point presto you have fire to roast hot dogs to. Rub the chocolate all over the bottom of the can, polish with a rag or paper and wipe off. Open up your bar of chocolate and start rubbing it on the bottom of the soda can.

Rub the chocolate bar on the bottom of the can (don't eat it afterwards) until the can bottom shines like a mirror. Rub chocolate on the bottom of the can. If ever you find yourself stuck in the cold wild and forgot to bring your lighter, you can try this simple trick to start a fire and get all warmed up.

So i saw an article on how to start a fire with a soda can and a bar of chocolate, so i decided to give try it for myself to see if it works. Rub the chocolate all over the bottom of the can. What you need is a can of soda, a chocolate bar, sunlight, and some tinder to start a fire.

Angle the can towards direct sunlight, which still. 1.7k views 8 years ago.

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